Friday, 30 November 2012

Genting Highland

Hi readers :)
Again, I'm going to update about my holiday years ago.I really don't want my memories to fade away as time pass by...and I'm getting older.. haha nonsense  .
 This entry gonna be about me in GENTING HIGHLAND.
I went there for the second time but I haven't play those extreme dangerous game.The first time I went there I was still young and my dad did not let me play them.I was pretty sad.
The second time I went with my auntie and uncle and their cute sons.Since there's no partner (with the same age) to play with,it will be no fun you know to play those screaming-game.So I just keep myself close to my family and did family games like entering ghost house,taking a ride around the theme park area and play kid game with Aqeef (the little cousin) . It was still wonderful experience .The next time I go, I will make sure I taste each of the games ! *ada berani ke aku  nih ?  Already plan with my BFF to go there together ,can't wait for that moment ! But for now.. I'll show you the pictures of me on top of the hill once upon a time...
Maksu closed her eyes.She was scared. In cable car.
With Afeeq
her name is Elly if i'm not mistaken.
Taking a ride around the theme park .Afeeq got tired and fall  asleep
Paksu crossed the brigde first and snap our picture
Rawrrrrr !! omg ! I'm so scareddd :P
That's my Paksu btw 
Is it "garuda "? I don't know
hope to be in real LONDON one day

ok last pix for this entry ,tehee

We went there in the morning and come back in the evening.Quite tired but It was worth to spend some time there .
Till next entry,bubye !
~thanks for reading~


  1. ya allah bestnya pergi genting. sampai sekarang tak pernah pergi sana >.< best entri ni. gambar2 pun banyak ;)

  2. pegi la nanti.. seronok,, sejukk :)

  3. first time sronok, second time biase2 je. Kalau pakai pakej kan (bus & outdoor games) rm50 dok?? pastu cabel car lain-lain kira atao trmasuk rm50?

  4. masa aku g nih,aku naik bas genting kat kajang sampai genting naik cable car then masuk outdoor games. total RM63. kalu Rm50 tu dari gombak ke genting kot. kalu pakej, bus+cablecar+outdoor games. Rasenya boleh pilih mu nk samada outdoor games or lunch meal.


i will reply later . thankyou . ^^