Hey ya oll! Long time no write,feel a lil bit awkward to tap
on this keyboard.Blank,no idea of what to write,losing mood.Arsh,such negative vibes
strike in! Until today...Finally got a reason to write again.
Today,today,today is a very special day.
Today belongs to someone’s special in my life.
It’s her day.
How I wish I could hug her tightly and whisper “May I spoil
your day?”.
I’m thinking of how to spoil her special day. How about I
make a little scene about her?Telling the world how baddddd she is? Keluaq
First met her in CFS,PJ in 2011.She was one of my
roomate.Okay first thing came across when I met her was “kecik nyaa budak ni?”
kekeke.Mula-2 dapat tahu dia amik kos perubatan,I was like “pfffttt boleh tahan
tough walaupun kecik”. After get to know her,I realise one thing,this LITTLE
girl owns a very BIG HEART. And her level of maturity is like......counting........loading..........200%
maybe :P
Okay,serious.Dia sangat-2 matured.She knows a lot of thing.How
to do this and that.To handle those and these.Most important,she just know how
to handle me which is the hardest thing to do on earth.
Dia ni dulu sangat anti-sosial.Dia dengan laptopnya.STUDY
LAH KOT! No no no no.Dia tak nerd macam most of medic student.Dia dengan
laptopnya sebenarnya ada serious relationship.KPOPERSSS bhaiiiii =.= Bila dia
dengan Azyy bercerita pasal kpop,fuh macam mengumpat pasal jiran sebelah.Macam
pakcik2 kpop tu duduk sebelah bilik.semua depa tahu.
Dulu susah gila nak bergambar dengan budak nih.ANTI-CAMERA
gamaknya.Tapi tulah.....Dia yang dulu bukanlah yang sekarang...HERHERHER.Sekarang
kemain selfie oi.kemain.kemain.kemain. Kalah Iolls :P
Orang yang tak kenal dia maybe nampak dia ni innocent.BUT be
AWARE! Hahahahaha.
Dia sebenarnya sangat-2 HAPPY GO LUCKY,the exact word,GILA-2!
Sebab tu best hidup dengan dia.Bila kat UIA kuantan ni,tak sama bilik dengan
dia,rasa sunyi sangat.SERIOUS SEDIH!
Dia susah sangat nak marah orang.Sangat susah.apa aku main tukar
ayat pasif ayat aktif pulak ni.
Oh well,Coz She is COOL.Tak pernah melenting.Aku buat lah
apa pun,tak pernah marah.Kadang-2 terpikir,dia ni takde emosi ke ? WAKAKA.
She is a good listener J
Never fail to listen to my stories from the serious talk to the crap talk,she just
listen.Sekarang life dia makin busy.But she is always there when I need her.ALWAYS!
Bila aku tengah broken heart macam orang gila,pukul 11
malam,dia datang ke bilik aku just to comfort me.Bilik dia jauh kot.Naik turun
tangga.Keje sekolah lagi banyak.But she just left all and be with me on my
tough moment.Yup,dia bat dan azyy.SUMPAH KAWAN AKU SAMPAI SYURGA.
Apa je yang aku tak bagitau dia?Semua aku bagitau.Big
things,small things,just everything.Coz she is trustable.
Kalau nak tulis semua kebaikan dia,tak habis nih.Banyak
sangat. HAHA.Okay,nak cakap something lah kat tuan yang aku duk describe
panjang-2 nih.
Dear syafa,
Knowing you is a gift.
Having you is a bless.
Losing you will surely be like in HELL.
When my life is a mess,you are one of the reason,I got my
faith up again.You held my hand through all of these years.I will always
remember the strength you gave to me.I anggap you macam my own sister.
Thankyou for all your advice,spirits,words of wisdom and
everything you gave.THANK YOU so much.
Dear GOD,
You can take “him” away from me.But NEVER take this special
girl after YOU BLESSED me with her presence.PLEASE NO COZ I LOVE HER TOO MUCH!
And make her LOVE ME also. J
I wish you all the best in your life.May you meet the great
soulmate one fine day.Be whatever you
wanna be.And remember,give yourself a break from the hard life,and be happy
,okay?You are a strong woman,You will SURVIVE. J
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I like this picture sebab you nampak cute macam kartun mirmo zibang.hekhek. |
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Looking like a princess outside and indeed a true princess inside |
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i will reply later . thankyou . ^^