Just arrived at my home sweet home from a tiring journey-12 hours in the car-from Kuala Kubu Bharu to Kelantan.Phewwwww Penat giler weyh.Alhamdulillah selamat sampai.Sesampai je di rumah terus cari lappy,online, bukak blog to post about something special today.Tengok tarikh hari nih.
Cantik kan? Bertuah sape yang birthday hari ni kan? I know one-the lucky girl.
Nurul Hanis Binti Nor Azizan.
Betul ke tu nama penuh kau wahai anys ? HAHA. Bukan salah aku kalau salah. HAHA.salah kau la tak penah nak pakai nama penuh. selalu pakai nama glemerrrrrous jer ,
HAHA. kay memang aku yang bangang tak ingat nama penuh bestie sendiri . kahkahkah. maafkan aku sayang.Walaupon aku dah wish through message,tapi nak jugak wish kat sini. Wanna know why ? because this blog is about me and you are a part of me. sweet tak ayat aku? rasa macam nak kiss kiss hug hug takk ? bwek.
Okay guys,
I nak story sikit la pasal birthday girl ni.I kenal dia kat UIA.Kitorang satu kelas dari first semester sampai sekarang.My first impression about her is "dia ni kecoh la" .
eh tak tak tak. gurau je.hihi.Dia garang woo.tapi tu bukan la my first impression jugak.First impression haruslah baik kan.Erm, masa awal-2 masuk kelas dulu semua macam awkward.Bila lecturer tanya pahape, semua kacip gigi.Tapi anys je yang selalu jawab.Sebab tu la dia jadi class representative for every sem.Kalau takda dia, memang hancur la jadual kelas.Tapi sebab dia, kami dapat cancel kelas hari jumaat dan balik ,yay!
So my first impression of her was "she's good and smart" yup. And it is absolutely correct,she is good and smart too.
What I like about her .
She cares about me.though we are not too close, we are close but not as close as she and fahyn, but she does care about me.I can see from the way she treats me.I rarely share my stories with her, but she always there to hear whenever I wanna speak.She's a good listener.And a strict adviser.when she talks ,she meant it.her advices come from her heart.I don't know how but I could feel it.
Yess dear, though I showed like I don't care, but your words are always be kept in my mind.
There's loads of thing I like about her.Mostly I just like her the way she is. Dia alim, tapi tak pernah racist dengan orang yang banyak dosa macam aku nih.aku ada ramai kawan yang alim tapi selalu macam tak dapat terima apa yang aku buat. Aku buat ape ? ada lah..I like her style,rileks,happygolucky,giler-2,
sporting,talkative,understanding,tak selfish,senang mintak tolong,and banyak lagi la.tak mampu aku nak describes semua.
In short words ,
" anys azizan is a friend that everyone wants to have" .
That's ANys ! |
anys and me ignore my borink face |
me + anys |
me,fahyn,anys BFF till jannah. I lurve you girlfriendss |
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k thats All, going to take some rest ! hewhew.
Happy birthday for the hundred times ANYS !!
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i will reply later . thankyou . ^^